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Kadilnica of Death: Koncert skupin INMATE, DETHRONE THE CORRUPTED in ASHINE
Četrtek, 3. 1. 2019, Orto Bar, Ljubljana
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Če nas morda ne bo iz novoletnega dremeža predramil že prvi delovni dan, nas bo pa definitivno prvi delovni večer, ko bodo Orto Bar pretresale frekvence melodičnega death metala in metalcora!
Prvi se bodo predstavili ASHINE s Ptuja, band, ki je nekdaj žgal thrash metal, potem pa se razvil svoj groovasti melodeath stil, sledijo DETHRONE THE CORRUPTED iz Slovenske Bistrice s svojo mešanico melodičnega death metala in metalcora, za vrhunec pa ena od najbolj uspešnih slovenskih metalcore zasedb, INMATE, ki nam bodo predstavili svoj prihajajoči tretji studijski plošček Anarthas.
Cena vstopnice za koncert v zgornjem nadstropju lokala znaša standardnih 6 € oziroma brezplačno s KoD člansko izkaznico.
Začetek koncerta v klubu ob 21h!
Cena vstopnice za koncert: 6 €
Za obiskovalce s KoD člansko izkaznico je vstopnica brezplačna!
Metal večer v Kadilnici of Death od 21h do 4h!
Vstopnine na metal večer ni!
FB dogodek: https://www.facebook.com/events/2006145416136738/
INMATE is a 5-piece creative power engine that is not afraid to push the limits. Strong guitars, striking rhythm section and powerful vocals place the band among modern new age metal groups. Creative and hard working band members developed their musical identity and style, adding a modern approach to the metal genre. The group is known for their firm pose and relentless persistence on stage and elsewhere. From the very moment they get to the stage, INMATE radiates such charisma and power that attracts the attention of anyone present. This is not only because the music they make is so perfected but also because anyone can feel the chemistry between all ‑ve members. The band has performed over 100 times throughout their existence. The highlights of their career so far, were where INMATE supported Dark Tranquillity in Zagreb and Vienna on their “Where Death Is Most Alive” tour. In addition, their ‑rst performances in Germany in 2010 left behind strong impressions, as well as their appearance at the Rock The Lake Festival in Austria, where Caliban acted as headliner and 2012 performances at MetalCamp & MetalFest. Recent highlight was performing at the EasterBang festival in Austria as support for Neaera, shows with Brujeria, Extrema, Noctiferia performance at the legendary FUCK OFF COMMERCIAL festival in Slovenia. In November 2013 INMATE shared the stage with Hatebreed on their tour concert in Germany.
Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5h9kVc9yD7o
Five complementary elements from Slovenia unified in 2012 to form the quintessence that goes by the name of Dethrone the Corrupted. Following the path to the origin of world's misery they stumbled upon an ancient shadow lurking in the depths of our collective consciousness.. A metamorphosis of melodious riffing imbued with technicality, complex heart-penetrating drumming, redeeming bass line and radically honest lyrics symbolizes their sound and an illusion shattering live experience to each and every unique initiate attending their ritual.
Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u3bjyLCwSms
The band was founded in 2013. Not sure what kind of music they should go on, they started with the most obvious; Metallica. After a few months they wrote their first few songs which would never see the light of day. Because of tensions in the band and lack of motivation, they disbanded for a short period of time in mid 2014.
Ashine decided to continue their path and returned to the basement in late 2014 with a new drummer; Danch.
They abandoned a bit of their old thrashy style and turned to a more melodic side of metal and the writing process began. In January 2015 Ashine started recording songs for their debut self-titled EP which would be released in the summer of the same year. The EP consists of four songs that are a mix of melodic death, thrash and metalcore.
In 2018 their drummer Danch left the band due to personal reasons and was replaced by Timo Kosi.
The band is currently doing live shows and is also in the process of writing and recording material for their album.
Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eo2Af6yc2a8
Kadilnica of Death:
Dirty Skunks predstavljamo vsakoletno serijo metal večerov, ki se pod imenom Kadilnica of Death odvijajo vsak 1., 3. in 5. četrtek v mesecu, od 21h dalje, v Orto Baru. Pričakujete lahko veliko raznolike metal glasbe z različnimi DJ-i in tematskimi večeri, seveda pa sprejemamo tudi glasbene želje. Zagotovo vas bodo razveselile tudi akcijske cene pijač in biljarda, nekajkrat mesečno pa bomo v okviru metal večera priredili tudi koncert domačega metal benda s simbolično vstopnino. Kadilnica of Death se ob vstopu skozi vhodna vrata Orto Bara nahaja naravnost pred vami.
Vse informacije o Kadilnici of Death: http://www.dirtyskunks.org/slo/kod/kadilnica_of_death.html
Kadilnica of Death na FB: https://www.facebook.com/kadilnicaofdeath/
Spletna stran Dirty Skunks: http://www.dirtyskunks.org/