Kadilnica od Death: Lintver (Si), Vulvathrone (Si)


četrtek, 5. marec 2020, 21.00.00

Klub - nadstropje
Kadilnica od Death: Lintver (Si), Vulvathrone (Si)

Kadilnica of Death: Koncert skupin LINTVER in VULVATHRONE

Četrtek, 5. 3. 2020, Orto Bar, Ljubljana


FB dogodek: https://www.facebook.com/events/562797781243348/


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Geografska diametrala thrasha in deatha

Tokrat bo Kadilnica of Death gostila dva banda z nasprotnih koncev Slovenije. Prvi bodo murskosoboški ljubitelji lepljivih človeških izločkov VULVATHRONE, ki bodo predstavili svoj najnovejši album Whoreification, drugi pa briški thrasherji LINTVER, ki imajo za sabo dva studijska ploščka. Zadnjega so izdali že nekaj let nazaj, tako da bodo zagotovo v Orto Bar prišli z zalogo novega avtorskega materiala.


Predvideni začetek koncerta v klubu ob 22h!

Cena vstopnice za koncert: 6 €

Za obiskovalce s KoD člansko izkaznico je vstopnica brezplačna!

Metal večer v Kadilnici of Death od 21h do 4h!

Vstopnine na metal večer ni!



Lintver was formed in July 2004. In the beginning there were a lot of member changes until early 2007 when a steady lineup was found. They wrote 5 songs and recorded a demo »The saints are coming« which was released in May 2008. It had a very good response from the fans. They toured clubs ands festivals all over Slovenia and some parts of Italy. In October 2013 Lintver released their debut full-length album called »Snakebite« containing 10 original songs. In december 2016 the band unleashed their second studio effort entitled "Distorted perception" with 8 new songs.





Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vbXB9_I0hVQ



The abominable idea of creating such a horrid creature was the gruesome emanation of somber broodings spawned in the profound obscurities of Hermanno’s and Temnovid’s blackened hearts, deriving its diabolical strength and vividness from sadomasochistic and scatological imagery of torture, incest and rape rooted deeply in their souls by the feverishly pursued studies of pornography and gore. The diabolical scheme was put into existence when yet another imp, Matko, joined their perverse ranks and thus it came to pass that with a tumultuous roar of dissonant atonality the heinous bastard child aforementioned was born. Time and time went by, whores came and went, there was ecen some necroticism involved, but finaly the line-up of the perverted squad is now complete and firm. The new are of the Vulvathrone cum commando elite force entered studio and after many illegal pornhub downloads, they finnally recorded their newest release »Whoreification« in which they continue their »Way of sexuel Lust«.






Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ogMdO7P4kVQ


Kadilnica of Death:

Dirty Skunks predstavljamo vsakoletno serijo metal večerov, ki se pod imenom Kadilnica of Death odvijajo vsak 1., 3. in 5. četrtek v mesecu, od 21h dalje, v Orto Baru. Pričakujete lahko veliko raznolike metal glasbe z različnimi DJ-i in tematskimi večeri, seveda pa sprejemamo tudi glasbene želje. Zagotovo vas bodo razveselile tudi akcijske cene pijač in biljarda, nekajkrat mesečno pa bomo v okviru metal večera priredili tudi koncert domačega metal benda s simbolično vstopnino. Kadilnica of Death se ob vstopu skozi vhodna vrata Orto Bara nahaja naravnost pred vami.

Vse informacije o Kadilnici of Death: http://www.dirtyskunks.org/slo/kod/kadilnica_of_death.html

Kadilnica of Death na FB: https://www.facebook.com/kadilnicaofdeath/

Spletna stran Dirty Skunks: http://www.dirtyskunks.org/